The picture above shows the dismal state of primary education in rural Punjab. This primary school is located in Durkhani Wala, Tehsil Choubara, District Layya. The school neither has any boundary wall nor any black board. In extreme weather conditions, nearby bus stand is used as an alternative. There is no permanent teacher appointed in the school and a temporary teacher is responsible for teaching students. Apparently, with such primary schools, Pakistan aims to achieve its goal of achieving Universal Primary Education by 2015.
It was hard to click away from the photo. As I stared at it, many thoughts and questions entered my mind.
You are right Anita in saying that this picture only raises questions in one's mind. Such a sorry state of affairs is the case in Pakistan at the moment and the god damn rich-poor divide has increased many times for the past few years ...
and you know what people don't send their kids to school because how they are going to pay for their chidlren's school fee particularly when they dont have enough money to feed themselves ...
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Sorry for off topic, but 2012 is close, is this really matter?
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